Buddy design offers precise and effective feedback.
Speech Buddies were designed by a team of engineers and speech researchers out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Columbia University. This collaboration created the world’s first commercially available, specially designed tools which enable dramatic and permanent speech improvements through the tactile bio-feedback methodology.
Speech disorders often occur when children have not learned correct pronunciation through normal visual and auditory cues. The tactile bio-feedback method works by presenting a precisely located target so that children can feel correct tongue placement and movement required for speech. There is a uniquely designed Speech Buddy that uses this method for each of the most common problem sounds: R, L, S, CH, and SH.
Tactile biofeedback has been proven by several research studies to provide learning breakthroughs in speech whether a child is just starting to address it, or if they have been working on their sounds for years. Speech Buddies have been clinically proven to help children overcome speech disorders between two to four times faster than industry standards. [1] [2] [3] [4]
Speech Buddies are assembled in Californiaifornia.
The INTACT study was a randomized, controlled single blind study and it showed that children age 5-8 learn nearly twice as fast using Speech Buddies as compared to children just using traditional methods of teaching. [1]
This study demonstrates the effectiveness of trained parents in administering speech remediation using Speech Buddies. Results show remediation after only 8 hours, far below the industry standards. [2]
This study demonstrates the effectiveness of an organic integration of Speech Buddies into a typical school speech therapy setting at five schools. Substantial improvement of articulation was achieved in nearly 1/5 the number of therapy hours and at nearly 1/4 the cost of prior therapy.[3]
This study shows how Speech Buddies used to treat the R sound can generate outcomes that are more than four times faster than the best industry standards.[4]
Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Professor, West Virginia University
Director, Open Lines Speech and Communication
Director, Full Potential Resource Center
[1] Evaluating the Efficacy of Treating Misarticulated /s/ with Tactile Biofeedback - San Diego, American Speech and Hearing Association, 2011, Gordy Rogers and Jessica Galgano.
[2] Parent Effectiveness in Treating Speech Sound Disorders Through Tactile Biofeedback - San Diego, American Speech and Hearing Association, 2011, Gordy Rogers.
[3] Examining the Effectiveness of Tactile Biofeedback in Charter Schools- Atlanta, American Speech and Hearing Association, 2012, Gordy Rogers, Julia Lee, Elise Parmentier.
[4] Treating Misarticulated /r/ with Speech Buddies, Philadelphia, American Speech and Hearing Association, 2010, Gordy Rogers.
[5] Gordy Rogers, MS, CCC-SLP Atlanta, American Speech and Hearing Association, 2012: Treating Speech Disorders with Tactile Biofeedback: A Clinical Review
[6] Speech Buddies and Intra-Oral Tactile Biofeedback: An Efficacy Study - Review of a single blind, randomized controlled trial. Gordy Rogers, Jessica Galgano
[7] Effectiveness of Cleaning Speech Buddies with Wipes. Alexey Salamini, Jennifer Kilty, David Penake
[8] A Five School Study of Effectiveness and Cost Savings from the Adoption of Speech Buddies. Gordy Rogers, Julia Lee, Elyse Parmentier
[9] Charlene Clark, Ilsa Schwartz & Robert Blakeley, "The Removable R-Appliance as a Practice Device to Facilitate the Correct Production of /r/” American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2 (1993): 84-92.
[10] Dennis Ruscello, "Speech Appliances in the Treatment of Phonological Disorders” Journal of Communication Disorders 28 (1995): 331-53.
[11] James Law, Zoe Garrett & Chad Nye, "The Efficacy of Treatment for Children with Developmental Speech and Language Delay/Disorder” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 47 (2004): 924-43.
[12] Hugh Catts, "Speech Production/Phonological Deficits in Reading Disordered Children” Journal of Learning Disabilities19 (1986): 504–8.
[13] MB Bernhardt et al, "Ultrasound as Visual Feedback in Speech Habilitation” Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 22 (2008): 149-62.
[14] Penny Carter & Susan Edwards "EPG Therapy for Children with Long-Standing Speech Disorders: Predictions and Outcomes” Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 18 (2004): 359-72.
[15] William Katz, Sneha Bharadwaj & Burkhard Carstens "Electromagnetic Articulography Treatment for an Adult with Broca’s Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech” Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 42 (1999): 1355-66.
[16] Patricia Lohman et al "Tactile awareness in children and adults during the production of isolated syllables of English” Perceptual Motor Skills 93(2001): 859-66.
[17] Sazzad Nasir & David Ostry "Somatosensory Precision in Speech Production” Current Biology, 16(2006): 1918-23.
[18] Karen Zur, Eric Genden & Mark Urken "Sensory Topography of the Oral Cavity and the Impact of Free Flap Reconstruction: A Preliminary Study” Journal of Head and Neck 10(2004): 884-89.
[19] Barbara Crowe Hall "Attitudes of Fourth and Sixth Graders Toward Peers with Mild Articulation Disorders” Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 22(1991): 334-40.
[20] Megan Overby, Thomas Carrell & John Bernthal "Teachers’ Perceptions of Students with Speech Sound Disorders: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis” Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools 38(2007): 327–41.
[21] Gregory Jacoby et al., "The Number of Individual Treatment Units Necessary to Facilitate Functional Communication Improvements in the Speech and Language of Young Children,” American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 11 (2002): 370-80.
[22] "National Outcome Measurement System Pre-Kindergarten Report,” American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 2009, 15.
[23] Jennifer Taps, "RTI Services for Children with Mild Articulation Needs: Four Years of Data,” ASHA Perspectives on School-Based Issues 9 (2008): 104-110.
[24] James Law, Zoe Garrett & Chad Nye, "The Efficacy of Treatment for Children with Developmental Speech and Language Delay/Disorder” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 47 (2004): 924-43.
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