Often, we are asked if parents should take an active role in the speech therapy process, or if it is best to leave all things therapy to the SLP. If a child is currently in a speech therapy regime, parents are unsure if additional practice work at home is detrimental or helpful. It is helpful! Think of it this way, if you are able to help your child overcome his or her speech disorder more quickly, it will help boost his or her confidence and free you up to get on with your busy life.
What Happens In Speech Therapy?
Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy TechniquesWhat happens when your child visits a speech-language pathologist? What exactly will the SLP do? These are questions that many parents ask when their child has been recommended to start a speech therapy program. In order for you to set your expectations (and your child’s), here are the basics of what to expect from a speech therapy program. Of course, each course of therapy is tailored personally to your child’s particular speech disorder, or speech impairment. This should serve as a general guideline about the entire process.
Tips For Teaching the “th” Sound
At Home Ideas Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapy TechniquesOften, we are asked for suggestions on how to teach the sound of “th.” While Speech Buddies offers tools to help overcome many speech difficulties and articulation disorders, we do not have a tool for the sound of “th.” This is what we offer parents who are looking for help teaching their children to correctly pronounce the “th” sound. Continue reading
How to Develop Correct Speech Habits at Home
At Home Ideas Language Development Parents' Corner Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques
You Can Help Develop Correct Speech Habits at Home. Image source: blogs.trb.com
Whether or not your child has been diagnosed with a speech sound disorder, there are many things you can do at home to help develop correct speech habits. You can even start developing these habits when your child makes his first babbles! Every child develops at a different rate and there is a wide range of what is considered normal in a child’s language development. You can take an active role in helping encourage your child’s speech and language development, just by adding a few easy steps into your daily routine.
6 Questions to Ask Your Speech Therapist About Apraxia of Speech in Children
Apraxia Language Development School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy TechniquesWe’ve been discussing Apraxia of Speech in Children this month. If your child is exhibiting any of the characteristics associated with Apraxia of Speech, also known as developmental (DAS) or childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), you will need to make an appointment with a speech language pathologist. Because apraxia of speech is a communication disorder, the most qualified professional to help diagnose and treat your child is an SLP. While your pediatrician may help with other medical issues related to apraxia of speech, speech language pathologists have undergone extensive study and certification to accurately evaluate and treat speech disorders.