Articulation Disorder Study: Helping Sound the Letter /R/

Articulation Disorders Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps R Sound Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Articulation Disorder - Treating the /R/ Sound

Using a tactile tool can help increase success rate in children with articulation disorder.  Image Courtesy of eHearsay: Electronic Journal of the Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association.

As we finish of our in-depth look at articulation disorders this week, we would like to share with you some details from a recent clinical study which demonstrated the importance of a tactile tool in speech therapy. The study, published in the journal eHearsay: Electronic Journal of the Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association tested the effectiveness of a hand-held tactile tool, Speech Buddies, in treating the misarticulation of the letter /r/.

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The ABC’s of Stuttering in Children

Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques


What is causing my child to stutter and how long will it last? Image Courtesy of Shutterstock

What Causes Stuttering and Can It Be Fixed?  Image Courtesy of Shutterstock

Stuttering is a speech disorder in which words, sounds or syllables are repeated or last longer than normal. Stuttering, also called stammering or disfluency, causes a break or a pause in the flow of speech. Young children may stutter when they are first developing their speech and language skills. The stuttering occurs when their speech skills cannot keep up with what they are trying to say. Stumbling over words or speech affects about five percent of children, and generally lasts for several weeks or several years.  Most children outgrow this stuttering phase within their first four years.

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5 Communication and Speech Therapy Strategies on the Go

Language Development Reading Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Techniques on the Go

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Sometimes it can feel like life is so busy that we have to schedule time just to sit and breathe. So how can we fit in the extra practice and support our kids need for building speech skills? We have to make the most of communication and speech therapy strategies on the go – even in small bits and pieces. Talk with your child’s SLP about ideas, and see if some of the following can help you and your child make the most of your time on the move. Continue reading

Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full! Building Communication Skills at the Dinner Table

Language Development Speech Therapy Techniques


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Eating together as a family has been shown to improve academic scores for kids, build stronger family relationships, and contribute to healthier eating habits. You can use the dinner table, too, as a centerpiece for building communication skills with your kids. Continue reading

Boost Communication Skills: 10 Minute Bedtime Routines

Language Development Speech Therapy Techniques
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If you’re a parent, you’re busy. Between the homework, extracurricular activities, and squeezing in time for friends, it can seem challenging to find time to work on those speech and communication skills. To make the most of your time in your busy schedule, try some of these 10 minute bedtime routines and activities that build those skills and help you connect with your child for a few minutes before bedtime. Continue reading