S is for Spring, not Lisp! Speech Sheets for the ‘S’ Sound

Articulation Disorders At Home Ideas Language Development Lisp Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques


Sound of S

Six Simple Worksheets for The Sound of “S”

Spring has sprung, and what better time to practice those “s” sounds! Did you know that the “s” sound is one of the most mispronounced sounds in the English language? According to Pronunciation Workshop, approximately half of all “s” sounds in English are pronounced as a letter “z” or “th.”  For a child with a speech impediment, the “s” sound proves particularly challenging. Common in articulation disorders, a child drops the “s” sound all together such as “and,” instead of “sand”. Or a child may mispronounce the “s” sound at the beginning or end of a word, giving him a lisp.






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Speech Therapy App Review – Articulation Test Center by Little Bee Speech

Apps Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps

Review of Articulation Test Center, by Little Bee Speech

I had the opportunity to demo and review the speech therapy app Articulation Test Center, a recently published diagnostic app developed by Little Bee Speech, the makers of Articulation Station.

First, a little background: Articulation Test Center is intended to be the diagnostic corollary to Articulation Station, the company’s flagship app and a one-stop shop for all of your articulation-related treatment needs. Articulation Test Center is that one-stop shop for all your articulation-related diagnostic needs and includes two main assessment tools: Quick Test and Full Test, the former being a screening tool either to rule out a possible articulation delay or disorder, or to use an ongoing, dynamic assessment tool throughout therapy; the latter is a more comprehensive assessment instrument that would more definitively suggest the presence or absence of an articulation delay or disorder.

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7 Inexpensive Resources: Speech Therapy for Kids

At Home Ideas Language Development Parents' Corner Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques


Inexpensive Speech Therapy Resources

7 Inexpensive Resources: Speech Therapy for Kids

This week, on Speech Therapy for Kids, we offer you a “Top Seven” list of inexpensive speech therapy resources for your kids. There are many reasons why having a handful of speech therapy resources are valuable for parents. Often, parents are unsure if their child needs to see a speech therapist and would like to try some exercises with them at home first. Also, sometimes it’s not possible to schedule a visit to a speech therapist because of financial reasons or because there are no therapists nearby. Or, parents with kids in speech therapy want to supplement the lessons with activities at home. The following list provides supplemental and alternative resources for parents and kids.

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Speech Therapy for Kids: 4 Topics to Discuss With Your Speech Therapist

At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy for Kids Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources


Speech Therapy for Kids

Speech Therapy for Kids: 4 Crucial Topics to Cover After Your First Visit

Our series this week talks about your child’s first visit to a speech therapist. Once your child has been diagnosed with a speech impediment or a speech disorder and your appointment is set, you want to make sure to be as knowledgeable and organized as possible in order to get the best out of the first visit. We have given you a handful of tips on what to expect from your first visit to the speech therapist. After the visit is complete, you can expect your SLP to review the results of your child’s evaluation and recommend a treatment plan. But there should be more to it. The results aren’t always cut and dry. You will want to make sure to cover the following topics so you are well informed about your child’s treatment going forward.

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What to Expect: First Speech Therapy Lesson

Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Impediment Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Therapy for Speech Impediment

What to Expect: First Speech Therapy Visit for a Speech Impediment

Your child has been diagnosed with a speech impediment or speech disorder.  Whether she suffers from the common types of speech impediments such as stuttering, apraxia of speech, a speech sound disorder, cluttering or a lisp, early speech therapy intervention is crucial to successful treatment. But what happens in your first speech therapy visit? What can you expect? Here is a brief run-down of your first visit with a speech-language pathologist (SLP). Planning ahead and being prepared will help you make the most out of your first visit with a speech pathologist and set you on a successful course of speech therapy treatment.

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