At-Home Speech Therapy Techniques for Boosting Receptive Language Skills

Speech Therapy Techniques
At-Home Speech Therapy - Receptive Language

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“Jonas, did you clean your room yet?” “What?” “Did you clean your room yet?” “Huh?”

Sound familiar? Kids often challenge a parent’s patience by not listening or “pretending” to forget what you tell them. But sometimes, a child’s inability to follow directions might be more than simple forgetfulness. He may have trouble with his receptive language skills. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can use speech therapy techniques to help a child with a very broad range of issues, including receptive language disorders. A speech therapist can also determine whether the child does indeed have a speech disorder or whether he’s just a little behind schedule with his language development. (Check out this guide from ASHA on the difference between the two issues.) As well, work with the speech therapist to implement at-home speech therapy techniques to boost your child’s receptive language skills. Using these at-home speech therapy tips can encourage your child’s development, whether or not he has a speech disorder.

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How to Use Telepractice for Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Techniques
Child Wearing Headset for Speech Therapy

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I have the dubious pleasure of living directly across from the major shopping center of my town. With the holidays right around the bend, I find myself thinking of excuses to avoid driving anywhere as much as possible. The traffic and hassle is simply not worth it. If you’re like me, the last thing you need is another soccer practice, piano lesson, or speech therapy session to drive your child to. Enter telepractice! Telepractice is a method of delivering services, like speech therapy, to a client via Web cam or similar device. (Speech Buddies also offers an online component via the Speech Buddies University.) For more on speech therapy telepractice, check out our previous posts or head over to the website of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) for their articles on telepractice. And then kick off your painful shoes, put your feet on the Ottoman, and enjoy taking a break from the commute.

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What is Speech Therapy and How Do I Use At-Home Speech Therapy?

Speech Therapy Techniques
At-Home Speech Therapy with Speech Buddies

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Today, we’re continuing our introductory series to speech therapy. Our third post in the series addresses at-home speech therapy techniques. As a parent, it’s hard to watch your child struggle with anything. But you can accelerate his progress and (ideally) lessen the amount of time that he’ll need speech therapy by using at-home speech therapy techniques. These techniques will likely consist of games and activities that are tailored to your child’s specific needs. It’s also important to model correct patterns of speech for your child (kids are great imitators). Talk to your child’s speech therapist about the best at-home speech therapy techniques for your child’s speech and language issues, and head over to Speech Buddies University for more at-home exercises.

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Online Speech Therapy with Speech Buddies

Speech Therapy Techniques
Online Speech Therapy - Tech Infographic

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Have you ever gotten the feeling that, in order for your child to really listen to you, you’d have to say it with a text message or post it on his Facebook page? Kids these days are constantly buried in their electronic devices. I was once tempted to record a YouTube video to ask my teenage stepson to clean his room. I never actually did it, but it probably would have gotten his attention. The point is, kids love computers and gadgets. So why not move speech therapy into the digital age and try online speech therapy with Speech Buddies University? It’s easy to use, it’ll keep your kidlet engaged in the lesson plan, and (drumroll, please) it’s free!

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The Benefits of Online Speech Therapy: An Interview with Jeremy Glauser of Visual Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Techniques
Lauren Works with Online Speech Therapy at VST

Courtesy: Jeremy Glauser

Yesterday, we discussed a speech therapy technique that has recently been gaining more mainstream attention amongst speech-language pathologists (SLPs): online speech therapy. If that caught your attention, you won’t want to miss today’s interview with Jeremy Glauser of Visual Speech Therapy (VST), a telepractice service. Jeremy is passionate about helping children with speech disorders excel in life. To that end, Visual Speech Therapy offers real-time, face-to-face online speech therapy sessions with qualified SLPs via their specialized software system. VST speech therapists are highly qualified to train clients in the use of Speech Buddies to accelerate articulation progress. Visual Speech Therapy is dedicated to providing customized, effective speech therapy to clients. Below, check out Jeremy’s discussion of the ways that telepractice can benefit your child.

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