6 Best Speech Therapy Movies


The King's Speech -- Movies featuring Speech TherapyOk, I admit it: there are other professions that have garnered more attention than the field of speech therapy has, when it comes to portrayals of the field in major motion pictures. There have been a few more films about law enforcement and intelligence operatives, not to mention medicine and law, than have been produced about the great work speech pathologists do every day. Nevertheless, there have been some excellent movies made that feature the field of speech pathology as crucial to the film’s story. Since you probably know all about the story behind the Best-Picture winning The King’s Speech, I wanted to share with you five other films that feature the vital interaction of speech therapy and maybe give you a few fresh ideas for a Friday night in when you just can’t think of a movie to rent.

And I promise not to spoil the endings of any of these movies.

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Speech Therapy in the Media – Helpful or Hurtful?

speech therapy meme

Source: unthinkido.com


Speech therapy in the media is rare. How often do you see an SLP on TV or in the movies? How about cartoons? It’s not often, though seeing a character with a speech or language deficit is more common (Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Cindy Brady). The media’s image of speech therapy can definitely have an influence on the patient’s expectations and perceptions of the profession. Take Aflac’s most recent commercial, for example, in which their iconic and loveable duck undergoes speech therapy. While its nice to have attention towards the profession, it begs the question, is this image helpful or hurtful?

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