Every September, I can’t help but chuckle at that classic commercial from Staples, the office supply retailer. The father in the spot is jubilant and the kids are anything but. We all experience this to a certain extent; when you work with or have your own children (or both!) summer is a time to chill, to vege, to eschew routine and schedules. It’s healthy, even essential to take a break. I love the work I do, but I do admit to feeling a little like the kids in this commercial. Everything these first couple of weeks can seem a little more challenging: from motivating our kids and getting back into the swing of the school routine, to managing schedule sessions and home-based exercises, to tracking down great new educational games and materials. Here are some tips and apps to help with speech therapy, they’ll make this transition back to school and the “work mentality” a little bit easier for everyone.
The Best Apps for Apraxia of Speech In Children
Apps Parents' Corner Speech Therapy TechniquesAs we discussed in an earlier blog, Apraxia of speech in children, or Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder where the child has a problem saying sounds, syllables and words. She knows what she wants to say, but her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words. Many children are able to hear the words, and are able to understand what they mean, but they can’t turn what they hear into the fine-motor skill of combining consonants and vowels to form words. Fortunately, apraxia of speech in children is usually treatable with appropriate techniques.
5 Ways to Use Technology for Speech Therapy at Home
Apps Articulation Disorders At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Disorders
This week, Microsoft made a big announcement that it will soon be offering Office for the iPad! This is great news for those looking to create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations on the iPad or mobile device. This latest announcement further demonstrates the prevalence of technology in our lives presently and in the future. Can technology help dedicate time to working on speech therapy at home? Absolutely! If you have access to mobile device such as an iPad, there are many free apps and online resources that can help your child improve his or her communication skills with speech therapy at home.
Help! My Child Is Being Teased For Her Speech Impediment
Articulation Disorders News Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques“People tease me because of the way I talk.” “The other kids at school don’t like my words.” Do these statements sound familiar in your home? The unfortunate fact is that children who have a speech impediment are often subjected to teasing from their peers. According to a study by Professor Gordon W. Blood, Ph.D., CCC-SLP:
children who stutter are 61% more likely to be targeted by a bully.
Teasing and bullying at school can be a frightening experience.
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Our 6 Favorite Apps for Kids with Speech Impediments
Apps At Home Ideas Language Development Pronunciation & Lisps

Boys playing apps for speech impediments
Technology has a place in all facets of our lives, and in terms of speech therapy, we thought we’d cover some ofour favorite types of technology in the form of apps. Apps for a mobile device or tablet are excellent tools to help develop a child’s speech, language and cognitive skills. Technology continues to take on an increasingly important part of our daily lives. While there are seemingly endless applications available, we’ve narrowed down a few of our favorites that can be used to improve and/or maintain vocabulary, articulation, speech and language skills. These are some of our favorite apps designed to help kids with speech impediments.