10 Simple Steps for Smooth Speech

10 Simple Steps for Smooth Speech

Parents' Corner Speech Errors Speech Therapy Techniques
10 Tips for Smooth Speech

10 Simple Steps for Smooth Speech Image source: Screenrant.com

“Smooth Speech” is also referred to as Fluency, but what exactly does that mean? It’s a term used in Speech Pathology that means smoothness or flow in which sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined together. While there are many types of fluency — including language fluency, reading fluency, or fluency in reference to speaking a foreign language — speech fluency refers to the ability to speak smoothly and easily.

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Four Online Speech Therapy Sites for Preschoolers

Four Online Speech Therapy Sites for Preschoolers

Apps Games and Activities
Online Speech Therapy Resouces

Online Speech Therapy Resources for Your Preschooler

Do you find that your preschool-aged child is lightning fast with those computer games and tablet apps? Amazing, huh? We sure didn’t know how to do that way back when… Why not take advantage of your little computer genius’ technology proficiency by offering educational apps and games for him to play? And he can improve his speech and communication skills at the same time. Parents and teachers both can utilize the educational games, activities, and videos that support learning goals for kids at all levels. There are many apps and online resources available for your preschooler and we’ve taken the guessing game out of which ones work well.
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Will My Child Outgrow His Speech Challenge?

Will My Child Outgrow His Speech Challenge?

Speech Therapist
Gordy Rogers

Gordy Rogers, M.S. CCC-SLP, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Speech Buddies.

This week’s post comes to us from our own Gordy Rogers, M.S. CCC-SLP, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Speech Buddies, Inc., the makers of Speech Buddies Tools, as well as the owner of Brooklyn Speech Solutions, PLLC, a private practice in Brooklyn, New York.

Will my child outgrow his speech challenge? This question not only nags at all parents who are faced with addressing a child’s speech challenge, but is one that speech-language pathologists (SLPs) must seriously consider before beginning treatment.  This post aims to shed some light on this often murky question and to arm parents with better information so that they may be more informed partners in the treatment decision-making process.

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Easter Activities for Speech Therapy at Home!

Easter Activities for Speech Therapy at Home!

Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Games and Activities Language Development
Easter Egg Games for Speech Therapy

Easter Egg Games for Speech Therapy at Home!

Easter is an excellent time of year to work on speech therapy at home with your kids. The colors of the trees, smell of fresh blooming flowers, chirping of the birds are all excellent ways to engage your child’s senses. But how about using an Easter Egg as an inexpensive speech therapy tool? Yes, both a real egg and a colorful, plastic Easter egg! These eggs can provide an opportunity for you to work on socialization, articulation and language skills with your child in a variety of ways, and have fun together as a family.

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S is for Spring, not Lisp! Speech Sheets for the ‘S’ Sound

Articulation Disorders At Home Ideas Language Development Lisp Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques


Sound of S

Six Simple Worksheets for The Sound of “S”

Spring has sprung, and what better time to practice those “s” sounds! Did you know that the “s” sound is one of the most mispronounced sounds in the English language? According to Pronunciation Workshop, approximately half of all “s” sounds in English are pronounced as a letter “z” or “th.”  For a child with a speech impediment, the “s” sound proves particularly challenging. Common in articulation disorders, a child drops the “s” sound all together such as “and,” instead of “sand”. Or a child may mispronounce the “s” sound at the beginning or end of a word, giving him a lisp.






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