Help! My Child Is Being Teased For Her Speech Impediment

Articulation Disorders News Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Teased for Speech Disorder

My Child is Being Teased for Her Speech Impediment. What can I do to help?

“People tease me because of the way I talk.” “The other kids at school don’t like my words.” Do these statements sound familiar in your home? The unfortunate fact is that children who have a speech impediment are often subjected to teasing from their peers. According to a study by Professor Gordon W. Blood, Ph.D., CCC-SLP:

children who stutter are 61% more likely to be targeted by a bully.

Teasing and bullying at school can be a frightening experience.

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Speech Therapy Exercises For Children

At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Therapy Exercises

Fun, At-Home Speech Therapy Exercises for Children

This week, in the spirit of the Olympics, we thought we’d offer some of our favorite speech therapy exercises and activities to do at home. That’s right, exercises! While there will not be a half-pipe, blob-sledding track or a gold medal at the end of your session, the reward will be an opportunity to spend quality time with your child and help him or her with increasing speech and language skills.

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Little Ways To Make Learning Fun!

At Home Ideas Games and Activities Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Therapy Techniques


Card Games, Field Trips and Playing with Your Kids are Excellent Ways to Make Learning Fun! Image Courtesy of Shutterstock.

Card Games, Field Trips and Playing with Your Kids are Excellent Ways to Make Learning Fun! Image Courtesy of Shutterstock.

School is just about back in session after the long holiday break and your kids are chomping at the bit to get back to the books!  Is this the case at your house? Perhaps NOT!  For many kids, the thought of school, homework and learning are dreary tasks and not something typically viewed as fun. For many, learning and study correlate with serious and tedious. Believe or not, there are ways to make learning fun and effective and something your children will look forward to. Of course, there is always the moaning and groaning about getting back to a busy homework schedule, tests and turning in assignments but with a few tips and tricks, you can turn the negative into a positive and make the learning experience more fun for the kids.

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Four Easy and Inexpensive Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained During Christmas Break

Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Games and Activities Parents' Corner School
How Do You Keep Your Kids Entertained During the Holiday Break?

How Do You Keep Your Kids Entertained During the Holiday Break? Don’t Worry! We’ve Got You Covered!


Here we go! For some families, two and three weeks off for Christmas and New Years begin now! And yes, the thought of sleeping in a bit, not packing lunches and staying in pajamas until noon sounds appealing, after about three days, the excitement wears off and cabin fever starts to set in! Do you wish you had time to leisurely browse Pinterest for creative ideas to keep your kids busy? What are busy moms and dads supposed to do to entertain their kiddos with shopping, wrapping, cleaning and cooking left to get done, without resorting to the television?

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Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – Create A Homework Zone

Parents' Corner School
homework zone

From, Anatomy of a Great Homework Zone

It might make your child groan, but you know that homework is an important, inevitable part of your child’s day. You can help to make the experience more manageable when you create a homework zone in your home, and you don’t have to add on an extra room to accomplish it. Continue reading