Little Einsteins – Three Easy Things Parents Can Do To Boost Children’s IQ

Language Development

Forget the toys and gimmicks that promise to make your baby smarter, research published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science show three key things you could do to raise your child’s IQ. Part of being a profession that provides speech therapy services is knowing what factors influence a child’s cognitive and emotional development. This study highlights essential elements for cognitive and language growth in a child’s early, critical years.


What makes a child smart


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Early Speech Therapy Activities for Babies: How Sitting Up Can Help

Speech Therapy Techniques
Sitting as Speech Therapy Activity

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For years I worked in a library and every New Year’s, I would see a gaggle of people flocking to the fitness DVDs to get started on their weight loss resolutions. Did you know there are “Candlelight Yoga” and “Sit and Get Fit” DVDs? Sound too good to be true? Well a scientific study was just released that suggests that sitting has more benefits than you might think – for infants anyway, definitely not for us. In fact, infants who sit sooner and sit often may have increased cognitive abilities, which may suggest that their early language development also benefits. So if you can encourage your little one to pull himself up into a sitting position, it may (possibly) reduce the chance that he’ll need speech therapy activities later in life. At the very least, he can get a little extra boost up in life – literally.

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