Types of Hearing Aids for Children

Hearing Loss


Decorated In-the-Ear Hearing Aid

Image Courtesy of ehwhatuh.com


Hearing aids are unlike cochlear implants in that they amplify sound, rather than directly stimulate the auditory nerve. These battery-operated devices receive sound waves via a microphone. The sound waves are then converted into electrical signals. You’re probably accustomed to seeing hearing aids on the elderly, but they may also be used for children as young as four weeks old. If your child is diagnosed with hearing loss, talk to his pediatrician about whether he might be a good candidate for a hearing aid.

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Treating Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss
Infant Hearing Screening

Image source: Entcare.wordpress.com

Early detection of hearing loss is critical. When an infant’s hearing loss goes undetected and untreated, his speech and language development will be delayed. The intervention plan for hearing loss will be different for every child and dependent upon the type, degree, and cause of the condition. In some cases, the child’s hearing difficulties are temporary and can usually be resolved. Otherwise, the child’s intervention plan will consist of services aimed at improving communication. While these services are not a cure for the condition, they can greatly facilitate successful communication and allow for speech and language development.

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