Apps for Traumatic Brain Injuries: Cognitive Rehab

Speech Therapy Techniques
Child Using iPad App

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A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in so many different types of symptoms. You might also notice that your child develops different symptoms after he is released from the hospital, or even months or years following the injury. People who suffer from a brain injury commonly experience issues with cognitive skills. Cognition includes memory, awareness, reasoning, problem solving, and concentration. Cognitive problems can also include issues with executive functioning, which refers to self-monitoring, goal-setting, planning, and initiating.

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School Success for Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Speech Therapy Techniques
Successful Child in Classroom

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Children who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) typically face a long road to recovery. They may not only have problems with speech and language, but also with attention, memory, and problem-solving. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can help your child with many of the issues that he faces, but remember that a child’s brain is still developing. He could experience new or changing symptoms months or years after the trauma occurred.

Keep a journal of your child’s symptoms and how they evolve. As your child prepares to return to school, work closely with his teachers and the school administrators to ensure his academic success. It can be particularly helpful for your child’s SLP to meet with his teachers to discuss possible modifications to the curriculum or to the classroom itself.

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