Best Practices in Teaching Bilabial Speech Sounds

Speech Therapy Techniques
B sound speech therapy visual


Baby babbling is usually the classic example of bilabial sounds, like “bababa” and “mamama.” Bilabial speech sounds are those that are made by using both lips, pressed together for sounds like /p/, /b/, and /m/. These sounds are usually mastered by age three but can be lingering challenges with children affected by speech sound disorders. They can be challenging to tackle so here are some suggested best practices for speech therapy.

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How to Teach the “P” Sound

Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Therapist Working with Child

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Your child’s speech-language pathologist (SLP) should provide you with activities to do at home to encourage your child’s progress. If not, ask the SLP for “homework.” If your child needs help with individual sounds, work on helping him master those sounds before moving on to syllables and whole words.

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