7 Inexpensive Resources: Speech Therapy for Kids
This week, on Speech Therapy for Kids, we offer you a “Top Seven” list of inexpensive speech therapy resources for your kids. There are many reasons why having a handful of speech therapy resources are valuable for parents. Often, parents are unsure if their child needs to see a speech therapist and would like to try some exercises with them at home first. Also, sometimes it’s not possible to schedule a visit to a speech therapist because of financial reasons or because there are no therapists nearby. Or, parents with kids in speech therapy want to supplement the lessons with activities at home. The following list provides supplemental and alternative resources for parents and kids.
7 Inexpensive Resources: Speech Therapy for Kids:
Child Development Institute : This website provides parent education that includes relevant topics such as health, safety, child development and other parenting tips.
Free Language Stuff: This website is by Speech-Language Pathologist Paul Morris and includes many choices of language activities and worksheets.
The Speech Path Way: For parents seeking for an in-depth resource on how to help their kids, look no further! Marcus Little has put together 18 speech therapy tips, including videos and additional resources.
Speech Language Development: provides in-depth information for parents with questions about speech and language development in their children.
The Stuttering Foundation: This informative website offers free and inexpensive resources for stuttering help.
Pinterest – yes, Pinterest! This “pin” is packed full of excellent speech therapy resources, activities and ideas.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association -Always an excellent resource for anyone looking for additional information on speech therapy-related issues.
For more information about speech disorders, be sure to check out Speech Buddies! Our website offers many speech solutions for therapy and home settings!