Speech Buddies Coming to Your School Soon!
Articulate Technologies is taking its Speech Buddies tools on a road trip! Now through the middle of May, we will be visiting schools in California, Washington, Colorado & Arizona. While we have toured schools throughout the Southeast region for the past year, we are excited to bring Speech Buddies to schools and SLPs in the Western part of the country.
Speech Buddies Tools – Free Demo Program
Speech Buddies tools were designed by a team of engineers and speech researchers from MIT and Columbia University. They have been proven to fix speech sound disorders two times faster than traditional one-on-one therapy and over four times faster than school therapy.
Each visit is designed to offer speech-language pathologists and schools an opportunity to get to know more about Speech Buddies and learn how these tools may assist in any speech therapy setting. The Speech Buddies tools help correct all severities of articulation disorders for the R, S, L, CH & SH sounds. Additional speech therapy benefits include:
- Reducing caseload size and duration.
- Making group therapy more effective.
- Working with treatment-resistant students.
The visits will include a presentation, demonstration and the opportunity for SLPs to try Speech Buddies tools for themselves. Speech pathologists who choose to utilize Speech Buddies in their practice will also have access to online video tutorials and games to make using the tools fun.
Articulate Technologies is currently offering a FREE Demo Program for qualifying schools. This is an excellent way for speech therapists in schools to experience the tools before making a purchasing decision. To sign up for this opportunity, fill out the demo program form and a dedicated representative will get back to you shortly.
Speech Buddies will also be attending the CSHA State Convention March 27-30, 2014 at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA. We will be offering special discounts and a chance to win a free Professional Set of Speech Buddies tools.
For more information about Speech Buddies and to see first hand how Speech Buddies can translate into impressive time and money savings, check out how the NYC Charter Schools adopted our tools. Let us know what you think!