10 Reasons Why Your Family Needs Technology

Image Courtesy of www.theguardian.com
There is a lot of talk about limiting children’s screen time and the dangers of too much technology. However, did you ever stop to think about how much your family needs technology? Sure, some of it is out of pure convenience, but there are many reasons why incorporating those gadgets and learning some new technology skills can greatly benefit you and your kids. Here are just 10 reasons to get you started thinking about the technology in your life.
10 Reasons Your Family Needs Technology
1. Safety and Security
Look around you the next time you’re at the mall. Is there a payphone? Many public places no longer have public communication stations such as payphones because so many people carry cell phones. You don’t have to get your tween the latest smartphone though. Many e-readers and tablets are capable of downloading free texting apps that can be used when your child has access to free Wi-Fi, and there are great options for pay-as-you-go cell phones.
2. Cultural Awareness
Does your child want to know what people in Australia eat for breakfast or how people in Indonesia live on the islands? With just a few clicks of the mouse you and your kids can be transported through videos, pictures, and historical facts about almost any population of people in the world. It really is a small world after all when you let technology help teach your family about other cultures.
3. Understanding of World Events
News happens all the time, and kids today have instant access to that information. There are so many opportunities to learn about the news of the day – 24/7. Just make sure to teach your kids how to discern the difference between reliable news and internet news.
4. Preparing for Job Security
Even entry-level jobs often require computer skills for things such as communicating with bosses and fellow employees and tracking time worked. Make sure your kids understand how to use basic functions of computers such as file management.
5. Managing Money
By the time the preschoolers of today are parents it is likely that they won’t ever write a personal check because financial transactions will be all digitized. Teach your children how to manage their money with technology, even in those early years.
- Try free money-related online games for kids.
- Teach your older kids how to access their bank account information online (set it up so you have private passwords and your child is restricted in transactions).
- Search for digital coupons for everything from LeapFrog apps for kids to groceries for the whole crew
- Have conversations about passwords and financial security in the digital world.
6. Preparing for College
Most colleges have already gone to online application services, not to mention enrollment, financial aid, scholarship, and course planning activities. Work with your tweens and teens to navigate the world of college applications and preparedness. Colleges even post suggestions for what to take in high school to be prepared for certain collegiate programs.
7. Socialization and Communication
We do not live in a passive world. Technology allows people all over the globe to be connected – instantly – and kids need the skills to take advantage of these opportunities. Teach your children how to use email, instant messaging, Skype, and other forms of communication, and make sure they know how to do it safely and respectfully. It can lead to doors opening for friendships, mentors, and strengthened family relationships.

Image Courtesy of cslearners.blogspot.com
8. Time Management
Technology can make or break your time management skills. Teach kids to manage their time well with technology such as setting time limits for games. Older kids can learn time-saving skills such as using family calendars and homework tracking apps.
9. Living Healthy
Not only can you find out from reliable medical web resources what that rash on your toddler’s chest might mean, but you can do it in the middle of the night without a co-pay. There are also great apps for tracking physical fitness and resources for finding healthy recipes for family dinners.
10. Creative Inspiration
Even if you’re not a member of the Pinterest following, there are still many inspirations to be found for everything from science fair project ideas to tips for decorating a child’s bedroom on a budget.
Yes – sometimes families just need to unplug from the digital world. But the next time you plug back in with your kids see if you’ve been taking advantage of these reasons why your family needs technology.