I ♥ Speech, and other awesome letters from Speech Buddy kids
It might be chilly and raining outside our offices in San Francisco, but with this recent batch of thank you letters, our hearts couldn’t be much warmer. Speech Buddies presents… The Wall of Fame — a brand new gallery of thank you drawings and letters from Speech Buddy kids everywhere.
Rainbows, monsters, and hearts

I <3 Speech
Once in a while, some very nice and thoughtful teachers wrangle together their herd of Speech Buddy enthusiasts and send us some letters. For far too long, these drawings, letters, and spontaneous photographs have lingered on our own walls. But no longer, they’re scanned and uploaded, and we’re sharing them with the world!
The themes of the drawings we receive vary widely with special emphasis on playgrounds, hearts, classmates, and trees, but my personal favorites are the renderings of individual Speech Buddies. Especially those R-buddies with their carefully rendered coils and (often) lavish color schemes.
But Where are the Animals?
I was surprised to note a general lack of wildlife in our drawings. If you’re looking for inspiration please consider including some Speech Buddy animals as well. Our Rabbits, Lions, Cheetahs, Seals, and Sharks are all quite vain and fond of seeing drawings of themselves!
While we cherish every correspondence we weren’t able to post them all, but if your kids really want to see their drawings up here (or if perhaps they’re feeling shy and want something taken down) just send me a note and I’m glad to accommodate.
A special thanks goes out to…
Ms. Raynor, Mrs. Lewis, Ms. Jones, and Mrs. Walker for their recent donations to our artistic “permanent collection.” Thanks for sharing the impact Speech Buddies had on your children.
And thanks to everyone who’s sent letters for keeping us motivated over here at Speech Buddies.