Family Vacation Ideas: 3 Ways to Preserve Summer Memories
Grand Canyon, the beach, your backyard…where did your family go on vacation this Summer? As our summer family vacations are coming to an end, we are gearing up for the start of the school year. But, what to do with the all the photos stored on our phones and cameras? How about the maps and baseball ticket souvenirs we collected along the way? Why not take all of your family vacation memories and trinkets and create a one-of-a-kind memory project the entire family can do? Here are three family vacation ideas to preserve those summer memories!
Family Vacation Ideas: Preserve Summer Memories!
The Map! We’ve all seen it, the map of the United States (or the world if you’ve really been traveling!) Place a map on the wall and have your kids use different colored push pins to mark each and every place they have visited — perhaps adding a little airplane for the many airports you have visited, or a car to symbolize states you have driven through. Your family can add to the map with road trips in the future and create a truly unique work of art!

Create a One-Of-A-Kind Family Vacation Map. Image courtesy of
Scrapbook. Think bigger than your usual scrapbook. Let your kids choose a great big book and write descriptions of the places you visited. Leave room to paste the Dodger’s ticket stubs, the Grand Canyon map, or the tickets from the huge roller coaster ride! Your kids can even add little drawings and doodles to each page. Just think of the collection of memories you will keep if you do this for every trip!
Christmas Ornaments Christmas ornaments are an excellent way to save summer vacation memories and an easy way to build a collection from the special family vacations you have taken. Look for ornaments in gift shops of the places you visit. Each year when decorating your Christmas tree, your family will be reminded of all the amazing places you have been. If you have taken many trips, perhaps think of a “memory tree”, a tree decorated with only ornaments you have collected from your adventures. Plus, if you are feeling really daring, feel free to add an ornament that signifies a true “Christmas Vacation” to the tree, aka Clark Griswold! Your kids may get a kick out of that!
Want more ideas? Check out these “Pinteresting” sites for a variety of great ideas! However you decide to preserve your summer memories, we hope these ideas spur you to be creative with your family vacation ideas!
Happy Back to School!