Look No Further for the Best Massachusetts Speech Therapy Providers
Massachusetts is known for many things. It’s the home of the American Revolution, the Boston Marathon and of course the first place the pilgrims landed in the new world. Within Massachusetts, Boston is considered a meca of world-class medicine and innovation. Outstanding service providers across the state have access to cutting edge therapy resources, conferences and networking like no place else. If you’re looking for the best Massachusetts Speech Therapy Providers, look no further!
Speech Language Pathology Center
It might not be Boston but in Hanson, Massachusetts patients get great quality care at Speech Language Pathology Center. This clinic provides adult and pediatric speech therapy for a range of disorders including:
- Articulation and Phonological Processing Delays
- Verbal Apraxia
- Lisp Remediation
- Auditory Processing and/or Listening Deficit Strategies
- Language Based Reading Disorders/Dyslexia
- Fluency and Stuttering Intervention Plans
- Pragmatic and Social Skills Training
With specialized services in augmentative communication and feeding therapy, this clinic offers a variety of services and resources to parents and other clinicians. Check out their workshops across Massachusetts to learn and be trained on the latest iPad technology for communication. According to their website, iPad and iTouch programming, consulting and training include: MyTalkTools, Proloquo2go and iCommunicate. If this clinic looks familiar you may have already seen it featured on CBS!
Speech Language and Hearing Associates of Greater Boston
A little further west, in Medfield, Massachusetts you’ll find a clinic with another subset of speech and language specialties, Speech Language and Hearing Associates. Here, services include:
- Diagnostic Speech, Language, and Literacy
- Therapeutic Services
- Audiological Services
- Accent Reduction for English as a Second Language
In addition to these and educational therapies, this clinic offers over a dozen specialized programs including: Orton-Gillingham instruction, Wilson Reading Program, Bionic Ear Aural Rehabilitation, Melodic Intonation Therapy, ABA educational based therapy, Landmark Study Skills Method and many more! The facility also includes a Plainville location so patients can be served in a variety of locations in Massachusetts!
You might have heard or already seen a bit about the Ely Center in our interview with founder and social language expert, Pamely Ely. This center focuses therapeutic services on social language disorders an viewing these through a language lens among a multi-disciplinary staff. Staff at the Ely Center provide social groups and individual treatment services to address an array of speech, language and pragmatic concerns. They also provide outreach and education to the communication including parents and school districts. There is great news for families looking for summer services, the Ely center is offering great summer programs for students to practice applying Social Thinking & other social communication skills, executive function and social-emotional strategies in a naturalistic contexts. Grades 5-12 will receive services from certified speech pathologists and occupational therapists during the camps with support from SLP assistants, graduate and college interns.