Getting Great Speech Therapy in Georgia
There’s more going on down south than just the Kentucky Derby. Head a little further south and you’ll find the great state of Georgia. Georgia is home to boundless cultural attractions and history. From the Georgia Peach Festival to the metropolitan city of Atlanta, Georgia has something for everyone. For children in Georgia, getting great speech therapy isn’t hard to do. In fact, you might have already read about great fun spots in Atlanta at Sensations Therafun. Check out some great speech therapy in Georgia for evaluations, screenings and therapy for speech and language disorders. Education Play Station
From toddlers and tweens, Education Play Station aims to meet the needs of every child in this premier Georgia educational and therapeutic Center. The center was started in 2006 and is located in Adairsville, Georgia. In addition to traditional speech and language therapy, this unique facility provides an array of services for the whole family including classes (try homeschool groups, afterschool groups or some toddler/preschool groups), summer camp programs (explore animals, arts and crafts or even cooking), or family night. For parents needing a little time away, try the Parents Night Out events every third Saturday of the month. Speech therapy services includes individual and some group treatment for: articulation/phonology, receptive and expressive language, pre-literacy and literacy, phonological awareness, stuttering, apraxia, dysarthria, aphasia, cognition, pragmatic language and feeding/swallowing disorders. Summer camp registration is open now so get started on enrolling a child you know in all the great programs that Education Play Station has to offer.
If you’re looking for a multi-sensensory treatment experience with a variety of disciplines, look no further than Kids Creek Therapy. Located in Suwanee, Georgia, children and parents will find resources in and experienced therapists who provide occupational, physical, speech and social skills therapies. Kids Creek Therapy also offers great summer program options for children with needs such as handwriting intensives, social skills experiences, fitness fun, kindergarden readiness or good old fashioned art. If you think a child you know might benefit from something extra special, try the unique programs at Kids Creek Therapy including Interactive Metronome, Infant Massage or special needs tutoring. Interactive metronomeis a great program for integrating sensory and language processing systems and has been shown to improve:
- Attention and Concentration
- Coordination and Motor Control
- Language processing
- Cognitive processing
- Reading and math fluency
- Control of impulsivity/aggression
Stacey Levy & Associates is a group of Nationally Accredited and Licensed Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists and Certified Tutors that provides a center for therapy services for speech and language therapy, tutoring and comprehensive ACES evaluations. ACES stands for “Atlanta Comprehensive Evaluation Services (ACES),” a services that incorporates speech and language skills into a broader assessment of a child’s functioning. Evaluations include: a child’s academic, cognitive, behavioral & emotional, speech & language, and sensory & fine-motor skills. Language treatment services are quite comprehensive themselves, with components that include:
- Comprehensive Evaluations
- Speech & Language Screenings
- Individualized and Small Group Therapy
- Multi-Sensory Reading Instruction
- Play Therapy
- Parent and Teacher Education
- Consultation Services
For a group experience, try Talk and Play, a weekly speech-therapy led group for toddlers focusing on speech production, vocabulary, sentence expansion, social skills and grammar.