Don’t Talk With Your Mouth Full! Building Communication Skills at the Dinner Table

Language Development Speech Therapy Techniques


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Eating together as a family has been shown to improve academic scores for kids, build stronger family relationships, and contribute to healthier eating habits. You can use the dinner table, too, as a centerpiece for building communication skills with your kids. Continue reading

Boost Communication Skills: 10 Minute Bedtime Routines

Language Development Speech Therapy Techniques
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If you’re a parent, you’re busy. Between the homework, extracurricular activities, and squeezing in time for friends, it can seem challenging to find time to work on those speech and communication skills. To make the most of your time in your busy schedule, try some of these 10 minute bedtime routines and activities that build those skills and help you connect with your child for a few minutes before bedtime. Continue reading

Get Moving! 5 Games for Kids with Articulation Disorders

Language Development Pronunciation & Lisps School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques
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Articulation and phonological disorders are common forms of speech challenges that children face. Speech therapy techniques depend on the specific type of disorder and sound challenge, and games for kids with articulation disorders or phonological delays can help to bring the fun into the work part of therapy. There are great books to help kids who are struggling with articulation disorders, and the following games can get them moving and learning at the same time. Continue reading

4 Speech Therapy Activities for Kids with Dysarthria

Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques

Traumatic brain injuries, tumors, cerebral palsy, MS, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Lyme disease, and more – these can all be the culprits of the speech disorder known as dysarthria. It is characterized by symptoms such as abnormal rhythm (intonation) during speech, hoarseness and other voice quality issues, mumbled or slurred speech, inappropriate rates of speech (too fast or too slow), and inadequate tongue, lip, and facial muscle control. The severity of these symptoms can vary greatly depending on the cause. Evaluation and individualized treatment plans by a speech-language pathologist are valuable, and the following are four speech therapy activities for kids with dysarthria that can provide improved speech quality. Continue reading

Language-Based Learning Disability: Games to Improve Language Skills

Individualized Education Program (IEP) Language Development Reading Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques Technology

A child who is diagnosed with a language-based learning disability can face a variety of challenges, especially in school. There are countless types of therapies used and directions taken by SLPs, in special education classrooms, and by teachers who adjust curriculum to meet these children’s needs. Help keep some of the fun in therapy and learning new skills by trying some of these games and activities.
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10 Online Deals for Speech and Communication Resources

Language Development Other Resources Reading School Speech Therapy Techniques Technology

One of the wonderful things about the World Wide Web is accessibility to resources. When it comes to online deals for speech and communication resources, parents, teachers, and SLPs alike can all find inspiration and activities to use with kids without spending a fortune. The key is knowing where to look – and these next 10 bargains can be your first stops for resources on everything from literature activities to articulation exercises. Continue reading

Nonverbal Kids – 3 Ways Technology Improves Communication

Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques Technology
Technology Can Help Nonverbal Kids

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In a world where parents are cautioned to limit screen time, there is also new research showing that technology can actually enhance communication for nonverbal kids. Many of the technology success stories come from parents and teachers of kids with autism who are either nonverbal or limited in verbal skills, although children who struggle with other disorders and disabilities are also finding the benefits of technology. Continue reading

8 Free Apps and Online Resources to Improve Communication for Preschoolers

Language Development School Speech Therapy Techniques Technology
Free Apps and Online Resources

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Recent research shows what many children would probably tell you – technology is an important part of education. Parents and teachers can utilize the educational games, activities, and videos that support learning goals for kids at all levels, and there are many free apps and online resources available for your preschooler and kindergarten student. Whether your child needs to improve articulation or is struggling with learning or physical disabilities that make communication very challenging, there’s an app – and more – for that. Continue reading

Help! My Child Doesn’t Qualify for Speech Therapy in School

Individualized Education Program (IEP) Language Development Reading School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
When Speech Therapy in School isn't An Option

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What Can I Do To Help My Child?

It can be one of the most frustrating things that a parent can face – believing that his or her child needs help and not knowing how to provide it. If your child is struggling with speech or communication issues but the school has said he or she doesn’t qualify for speech therapy at school, there are still several options you can use to help your child. Other options within the school, private SLPs, at-home activities, and other professional services can all be of help to your child’s communication development. Continue reading

What You Need to Know If Your Child is Starting Speech Therapy – Answers to 5 Common Questions

Individualized Education Program (IEP) School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
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If your child is starting speech therapy at school for the first time this year there are likely a lot of questions competing for time in your head. Even though it might feel like you are alone on this journey, the good news is that you’re not the first parent to feel this and there are people there to help you and your child. Start with these common questions that parents like you might be asking. Continue reading