Thanksgiving Listening Games for Kids

Games and Activities Language Development Reading Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques

Can you make a list of 13,000 words you know? This is the average vocabulary for 6 year-olds who are developing communication skills at a typical rate. However, for many children who are struggling with speech and communication skills, that vocabulary list is much shorter. Sue McCandlish, an Education and Speech Pathology professional, developed the model below that outlines how valuable listening is to the overall model of communication. She encourages teachers and parents to engage the “working memory” of children through listening games and activities. So why not get in the holiday mood and try some Thanksgiving listening games for kids? Continue reading

Turkey Time! Thanksgiving Activities for Kids with Language-Based Learning Disabilities

Games and Activities Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques
Thanksgiving Activities for Kids with Language-Based Learning Disorders

Check out our book list of Thanksgiving treasures to read aloud to the kids. Then see if they can retell the story to you in their own words. Image source:

Language-based learning disabilities (LBLDs) encompass a wide range of challenges related to language, including spoken, written, and implied. A child with LBLD needs extra support, both in and out of the classroom, involving guidance by healthcare professionals and possibly speech therapy. You can help support the overall goals of improved communication skills by implementing games at home – and the holiday season means it is the perfect time to try these Thanksgiving activities for kids with language-based learning disabilities. Continue reading

Gobble, Gobble! 10 Thanksgiving Speech Therapy Games

Games and Activities Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques

Thanksgiving Speech Therapy Games

Image Courtesy of

It’s almost turkey time, so get the holiday started off right with a few Thanksgiving speech therapy games that build articulation skills and improve communication – in a fun and engaging way.

Gobble Up Articulation with These 10 Thanksgiving Speech Therapy Games!

1. Fill a Cornucopia of Vocabulary Words – You can play this activity for several days and use either an actual cornucopia (I have both a decorative wire one and wicker ones), or print one like this and have your child color it. Then cut pieces of paper into small shapes – I like to make pumpkins, corn, and other simple festive shapes on orange, red, yellow, and brown paper. Work with your child on building target vocabulary words and every time one is considered “achieved” or “mastered”, add it to the cornucopia. If you’re using a paper version, just glue or tape the words on the paper cornucopia and hang it in an area of the house that is easy for your child to see. Continue reading

Games for Children with Apraxia of Speech

Games and Activities Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques Technology

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder, affecting the ability of children to produce the oral movements and vocal sounds needed for speech that others can clearly understand. There is a coordination required of the lips, tongue, facial muscles, and vocal folds in order for the intended sounds to be produced. Think of it like one of the most intricate, behind the scenes performances you can imagine. And now think of a child with apraxia who struggles because all of those aspects that must work together behind the scenes have lost their communication links.

It is the goal of speech therapy to create those links to be strong enough to reach the goal – clarity of speech. A child with apraxia usually requires targeted and sometimes intense speech therapy in order to reach these goals. But what can parents do at home to support these goals, and make it fun in the process? The first step is to work with the SLP to support those efforts, but there are also some easy ways to incorporate effective games for kids with apraxia. Continue reading

Moving Matters – Activities to Improve Articulation in Kinesthetic Learners

Language Development Pronunciation & Lisps School Speech Therapy Techniques

Activities to Improve Articulation in Kinesthetic Learners

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The last thing a kinesthetic learner probably wants to do is sit at one more desk, listening to and responding to one more set of directions. These learners thrive on active participation, with the more moving body parts required, the better! Get ready to leave the chair and desk behind and try these inexpensive and easy activities to improve articulation in kinesthetic learners. Continue reading

Make Some Noise! Homemade Instruments for Kids and Music Therapy

Language Development Reading Speech Therapy Techniques
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Music therapy is a valuable part of many therapy programs. There is evidence that shows music to have many benefits for those struggling with speech and communication challenges, so bringing more music and rhythm into the classroom, therapy room, and home can be one more option for improving these skills. Whether you are looking to create some homemade music instruments for music therapy to save money, or because you have a child like mine who loves the creating part of the process as much as anything else, try some of these easy homemade instruments for kids that are great for music therapy – and for playtime. Continue reading

Activities to Improve Language Skills in Children with APD

Language Development Reading School Speech Therapy Techniques
Activities to Improve Language Skills in Children

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Whether you know it as Auditory Processing Disorder, APD, Central Processing Disorder, or CAPD, if you have a child struggling with this disorder you know the challenges that your entire family faces. Communication, language, academics, and social interactions are all affected by this somewhat mysterious disorder that prevents a person’s brain from processing the information heard by the structures of the ears. Despite all of these challenges, there are activities to improve language skills in children with auditory processing disorder, one step at a time. Continue reading

Build Reading Skills in Kids with Expressive Language Disorder

Build Reading Skills in Kids with Expressive Language Disorder

Language Development Reading School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques

It’s on the tip of my tongue! Have you ever felt this way? Kids with expressive language disorders often feel this sensation – that they should know what to say but they just can’t seem to find the right words. Expressive language disorders often mean that kids display the following symptoms:

  • Speaking in short, choppy sentences with limited vocabulary
  • Using a vocabulary that is below grade level
  • Repeating parts or the entirety of questions
  • Using um, ah, well, repeatedly as they search for the “right” word
  • Confusing tenses (past, present, future) in conversations Continue reading

5 Communication and Speech Therapy Strategies on the Go

Language Development Reading Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Techniques on the Go

Image Courtesy of

Sometimes it can feel like life is so busy that we have to schedule time just to sit and breathe. So how can we fit in the extra practice and support our kids need for building speech skills? We have to make the most of communication and speech therapy strategies on the go – even in small bits and pieces. Talk with your child’s SLP about ideas, and see if some of the following can help you and your child make the most of your time on the move. Continue reading