Bring Back Playtime: 3 Games for Speech Therapy Reinforcement

Language Development School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques


Much of the most effective learning children do is through play and building speech and language development skills are no exceptions. Parents and SLPs can work together use these 3 easy and creative games for speech therapy reinforcement that get kids moving, imagining, and developing those communication skills.

1. Mystery Shopper for Speech Therapy Reinforcement

Especially great for kids with sensory and tactile needs, you can adapt this game to work with various speech therapy goals. Take a brown paper shopping bag and place 5-10 items inside of it that deal with your specific language goals. For example, if you are working on /s/ sounds, place the following in the bag: Continue reading

Make S.M.A.R.T. Speech Therapy Goals

Individualized Education Program (IEP) School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques


Child builds with Olliblocks


If you’re the parent of a child in speech therapy, you might sometimes feel like you’re up against a wall of resistance. Maybe there are unknowns when it comes to your child’s speech disorder, and your child might be frustrated with the speech therapy routine or homework. As adults it is easier to see the big picture – that improved communication skills are so valuable for the future and worth the effort. For kids, however, speech therapy can be tiring, hard work, and sometimes even a source of insecurity among peers. Help your son or daughter set and reach speech therapy goals using a traditional business model – S.M.A.R.T. – and you’ll find that speech therapy might just get a little easier, and the goals a little closer. Continue reading

Keeping Speech Therapy Fun – Tips for Parents

School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques

Families are busy, and sometimes all that busyness means stressed, over-scheduled children who are exhausted from homework, sports, and more. If your child is in speech therapy, he or she might be frustrated, overwhelmed, or even bored with the routine of including speech therapy techniques at home. There are easy ways, however, to help you and your child keep speech therapy fun while still managing the rest of their responsibilities and activities. Continue reading

Where to Turn: 8 Tips for Finding a Speech Therapist in Your Area

Other Resources School Speech Therapist State Resources


Find a Speech Therapist in Your Area

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If you’re searching to find a speech therapist in your area you might have several concerns and questions about this process. The choices you have and the decisions you have about your child’s or your own speech therapy process will be based on two key factors: the nature of the disorder and the availability of resources. If you or your child has been diagnosed with a specific speech disorder you can then search for an SLP who has experience treating this type of condition. If you’re just in the process of obtaining an assessment, many speech clinics will be able to provide a thorough evaluation.

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My Child Has An Appointment at the Speech Clinic – What Can I Expect?

Language Development Speech Disorders Speech Therapist
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Speech therapy is offered through many different settings – in school, through in-home services, early childhood education, and private speech clinics. If your child has an appointment at a speech clinic for the first time, you might be wondering what to expect. Although each clinic and speech-language pathologist (SLP) will have their own ways of assessing your child and planning any speech therapy that is needed, there are some general steps that are quite common (and helpful) to take during that first appointment. Continue reading

What Can We Expect from Speech Therapy in School?

Individualized Education Program (IEP) School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources


Special Education 101 and Speech Therapy in School

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Your child is starting speech therapy in school. But what exactly does this mean? The type of services your child will receive in school will depend on many factors. These include your child’s age, the type of speech disorder that has been diagnosed, other learning delays or disabilities, the structure of your child’s school, and more. The two basic forms of speech therapy in schools include in-class (sometimes referred to as push-in services) and separate services (sometimes also known as pull-out services). There are also other forms of assistance that speech-language pathologists can offer to your child. Continue reading

Failing Communication Skills By Middle School – It’s Not Too Late!

Language Development Reading School Speech Therapist


It's not too late to improve communication skills.

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It’s not too late. That is perhaps the most important thing that parents and educators need to remember when working with older elementary and middle school children who have failing communication skills. Their speech, listening, reading, writing, or other abilities might be lagging, but there is still time to help them overcome or learn to navigate these challenges. The steps that might be taken and the resources that might be utilized might look different for a 5th grader compared to a 5 year-old receiving speech therapy, but the effects will hopefully be similar – effective communication skills. Continue reading

Help! My Child Isn’t Reaching Communication Milestones

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Are you worried about your preschooler or kindergartener? Maybe there have been signs that something is just not quite right with her communication skills, or her preschool teacher has mentioned she isn’t reaching typical communication milestones just yet. You’ve maybe even heard that it is “just a phase” or that your child will “catch up” with the other kids her age. While every child is an individual and will make progress at his or her own unique pace, it is also important to listen to those gut feelings and inner voices you have that something might be causing this delay. Continue reading

Will My Child Outgrow His Speech Impediment?

Language Development Pronunciation & Lisps School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist
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Walking, talking, and learning to read are just some of the major milestones that parents look forward to watching their children achieve. Sometimes, however, children show signs of struggle in any of these areas and parents are left worrying and wondering if it is just a phase or something more. If your child appears to struggle with communication, you might be one of many parents who wonder: Will my child outgrow his speech impediment? Continue reading

Fear of Public Speaking – Can Speech Therapy Really Help?

Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Fear of Public Speaking

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It is the number one fear, ranking above spiders and even death. Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects as many as 75% of the population to some degree. Sometimes also referred to as stage fright, this condition can leave people trembling, sweating profusely, with difficulty breathing, and stumbling through their words. While there are many different treatment options, including behavior therapies and hypnosis, people are also finding relief through various forms of speech therapy. Continue reading