Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – 7 Fun Books that Build Math Skills

Parents' Corner Reading


Books that Build Math Skills

Image Courtesy of mathfunforkidz.blogspot.com

For many kids, math doesn’t conjure up images of exciting, fun, or even worthwhile activities. However, you can help to turn those math humdrums into math smiles with these fun books that build math skills – no math-related frustration required. Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – Dangerous Games for Kids

Games and Activities Parents' Corner


Dangerous Games for Kids

Image Courtesy of www.advisoranalyst.com

Fun and games – it sounds harmless enough and is usually what children aspire to do in their free time. However, there is a danger zone. It is filled with dangerous games for kids, and parents often learn about too late. Whether you have a 3rd grader or a freshman in high school, it is time to learn about these games that change innocent fun into a danger zone.

Dangerous Games for Kids – Are Your Kids Playing Them? Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – The Top 10 Games For You and Your Family

Parents' Corner


10 Best Family Games

Image Courtesy of www.yourneighborhoodtoystore.org

Do you have a scheduled family game night once a week to help keep balance in your busy schedule? Maybe you sometimes simply find yourselves all home together at the same time, looking for easy, inexpensive, and fun games for families. Whether you prefer board games or those that get you moving, try some from this list of the 10 Best Family Games.   Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – 11 Ways for Parents to Relax and Recharge

Parents' Corner
11 Ways for Parents to Relax and Recharge

Courtesy of wellbeingjournal.com


Parenting is an amazing journey, but it can also be more draining than a burst pipe. Moms, dads, and caregivers need to have ways to recharge after carpooling, cooking, monitoring homework, cheering at the soccer games, and calming fears from nightmares. Try these 11 ways for parents to relax and recharge the next time you’re feeling the chaos of life catch up to you. Continue reading

9 Sanity Savers for Busy Families

Parents' Corner

If you have children you’ve probably never uttered the phrase: We really have nothing to do. That is because children = activities and activities = busy families. You don’t have to give up your sanity, though, while balancing soccer practice, homework, and family meals. Try these 9 sanity savers the next time your busy family schedule makes you feel like a full-time taxi driver, loan officer, chef, and security guard all in one. Continue reading

10 Reasons Why Your Family Needs Technology

Parents' Corner Technology


Family Needs Technology

Image Courtesy of www.theguardian.com

There is a lot of talk about limiting children’s screen time and the dangers of too much technology. However, did you ever stop to think about how much your family needs technology? Sure, some of it is out of pure convenience, but there are many reasons why incorporating those gadgets and learning some new technology skills can greatly benefit you and your kids. Here are just 10 reasons to get you started thinking about the technology in your life. Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – Kids in Crisis: Cyberbullying

Parents' Corner School Technology
Cyberbullying Statistics

Image Courtesy of jessicamachaalani.wordpress.com

When we were younger there were kids who bullied on the playground, in the school hallways, and maybe on the bus ride home. But our kids today are facing a new kind of crisis – cyberbullying. This unfortunate new trend is like having that schoolyard bully granted access to your child 24/7, and those bullying tactics have a much longer reach than ever before. Almost 70% of teens view cyberbullying as a “serious problem” – so it’s time we as parents learn a bit more about it and how to help keep our kids safe. Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – Help! My Child is the Bully!

Parents' Corner School


Image Courtesy of praiseandcoffee.com

It is common for parents to worry that their children might struggle in school with friendships and peer relationships – maybe inwardly flinching at the thought of their child being bullied. On the flip side, no parents want to think that my child is the bully. But what if you found out that your child was acting this way? It can be a devastating and even confusing truth to be confronted with about the situation, but there are things you can do to understand why your child is acting this way and what you can do to change things for the better. Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – 8 Tips For Protecting Your Kids Against Bullying

Parents' Corner School
Image Courtesy of www.adlibbing.org

The start of each school year brings some of the same things year after year – new backpacks, gym shoes, and friendships. However, it can also mean the return of the school bully. While some people might argue that bullying in school is as old as school itself and a rite of passage, studies show that for the victims of school bullying the effects can be devastating. Continue reading

Speech Buddies Parents’ Corner – 5 Twists on Traditional Family Meals

Parents' Corner
Image Courtesy of njaes.rutgers.edu

Creating traditions with your kids is one of the most rewarding parts of parenting, and family meals are the perfect place to start. Even though modern family lives seem to be crowded and kids overscheduled, there are 5 fun twists you can try with your family meals that will create new traditions and build stronger families. Family meals can even help your kids thrive during the school day – studies show that when kids eat with their families more than 3 nights each week, only 9% of them get Cs or lower on their report cards, while 20% of those kids who get family meals less than that get Cs or lower for grades. So whether you’re trying to help your academically challenged child or just ease the family’s chaotic schedule, try these 5 ideas. Continue reading