Parents of special needs kids have a lot on their plates. They’re driving the kids to and from doctor’s appointments, learning about the latest speech therapy techniques, and preparing for yet another Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting. So we thought we’d lend a helping hand by providing this guide to local resources for parents of special needs kids in Nevada. If you live in Nevada, there is a wealth of resources at your fingertips. One of those resources is Project ASSIST. Read on to find out more…
Resources in California for Speech Disorders in Children
State ResourcesOne of the most critical components of successfully treating speech disorders in children is family involvement. Families are crucial; they model correct patterns of speech, use at-home speech therapy techniques, and encourage the child to practice his speech therapy lessons at home with the use of activities like the exercises in Speech Buddies University. But sometimes, being a parent is utterly exhausting. In fact, the working parent demographic was labeled as having one of the top five most stressful jobs in America. And that’s before you consider the demands of treating speech disorders in children.
That’s why you can – and should – take advantage of every federal, state, and nongovernmental resource available to your family. If you live in California, you have at your disposal programs such as: Early Start, California Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs), Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs), and much, much more. And if you ever have trouble tracking down a local resource or organization, don’t hesitate to call your local school district or parent support group for assistance.
New Jersey Leads the Nation in Autism Services
State ResourcesA speech therapist can help children with a wide range of issues, from kids with articulation disorders treatable with Speech Buddies to children with severe autism who have extremely limited speech. Autism spectrum disorder affects children in so many different ways. And with the ever-growing public awareness of autism comes a growth in autism services, particularly in New Jersey. New Jersey offers much more in terms of autism services than other states, and this may be because autism rates are much higher in New Jersey than elsewhere in the U.S. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), autism affects one in 88 children nationwide. In New Jersey, the incidence rate of autism is about one in 50. So what’s so special about New Jersey that would increase the rate so much?
Autism Support Groups
State ResourcesThese days, people are more aware of autism than ever before. With that awareness comes a growing network of support and services designed to aid families with autistic children. A publication from several researchers at the University of New Hampshire found that providing families with follow-up services after the diagnosis is critical for the best possible outcomes. The publication went on to indicate that families who have access to a network of support gain the greatest benefit in reducing stress, adapting to the diagnosis, and navigating services and programs. The researchers analyzed responses from 55 parents who have autistic children. They found that 68% leaned on friends for support, while 93% requested advice and information from other families with an autistic child. After analyzing the responses, the researchers concluded that support groups are particularly helpful.
New York Early Intervention Program
State ResourcesEarly intervention services are designed to assist children with developmental delays or disabilities, from birth to 3 years old. Early intervention is federally mandated, but it is administered through the state governments. In New York, the Bureau of Early Intervention is part of the NYS Department of Health. It administers the New York State Early Intervention Program (EIP). EIP was established in Article 25 of the NY Public Health Law. You can read the regulations in their entirety here.
Indiana Early Intervention Program
State ResourcesWhile public school systems are legally required to provide access to services in order to give a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with a qualifying disability, different states may implement these programs in different ways. As long as the programs comply with federal law, your state may develop its own special education policies and agencies. Indiana has an early intervention program called First Steps. The First Steps policies emphasize that it takes a family-centered approach. It is not a centrally located state agency, but rather First Steps is a network of locally based professionals and resources.