You, as a parent, know that your young child could use a boost in his or her language development, but your local Early Intervention (EI) program has deemed your child not sufficiently delayed to warrant funded therapy services. So what do you do now that you’ve been denied Early Intervention Services? This is an agonizing question to have to face. Unfortunately, as a consequence of the 2008-2009 financial crisis, many states sharply cut back on available funds for EI. I thought this was a terrible decision. What better investment in society is there than in the very young? And the research is strong and clear: intervening early in a child’s development can have an outsized impact on their overall development.
Early Intervention Services – The Who, What, Where, Why and How
Speech delay State ResourcesSome of the most rewarding and fun cases I have had the pleasure of being a part of have been with the youngest of children that speech pathologists serve—infants and toddlers, from birth to age 3. From one session to the next, I have witnessed profound changes in a child’s speech and language functioning, as well as in that child’s family’s sense of empowerment as they address the often formidable challenge of educating a child with developmental delays. Luckily, there is a government-sponsored program set up to help and it is called the Early Intervention (EI) program. Often, gathering information, directed, valuable information, is the first step to get your child the support he or she needs. This blog post is dedicated to providing some background to this vital program and to empower parents to access the services their child would deserve.
I Think My Child Needs Speech Therapy – What Now?!
Financial Resources Individualized Education Program (IEP) State ResourcesThis question, and its associated anxiety, can dawn on any parent at any stage in their child’s development. In fact, approximately 10% of school-age children in the United States are living with some form of a communication challenge. Even though communication challenges are quite common, it can be difficult and confusing to navigate the journey from the first moment of concern to a child finally receiving the appropriate services. This guide aims to provide you with some of the very first steps about whom, besides yourself, shares responsibility for setting your child on track for success — especially when you’re realizing, “I think my child needs speech therapy!”
6 Ways to Reduce your Costs for Speech Therapy
Financial Resources State Resources
Tax week has arrived! Alas, owing taxes are top of mind for most of us! In that spirit, we thought we’d share a few ideas about how to SAVE money on Speech Therapy. The cost of speech therapy is a hefty burden for many families. While there are often free speech therapy services provided in public school settings, children under the age of five or children in remote areas of the country are forced to seek private speech therapy or look for alternate ways to afford this care. Here are a few avenues to turn to that may help you save money on your speech therapy services.
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Speech Therapy for Kids: 4 Topics to Discuss With Your Speech Therapist
At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy for Kids Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
Our series this week talks about your child’s first visit to a speech therapist. Once your child has been diagnosed with a speech impediment or a speech disorder and your appointment is set, you want to make sure to be as knowledgeable and organized as possible in order to get the best out of the first visit. We have given you a handful of tips on what to expect from your first visit to the speech therapist. After the visit is complete, you can expect your SLP to review the results of your child’s evaluation and recommend a treatment plan. But there should be more to it. The results aren’t always cut and dry. You will want to make sure to cover the following topics so you are well informed about your child’s treatment going forward.
Super Low Cost Speech Therapy Tips and Tricks!
Articulation Disorders Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
Activities such as blowing bubbles are excellent low cost speech therapy activities that you can do at home!
Speech and language disorders affect children of all races and social-economic groups. If left untreated, speech disorders can affect a child’s ability to interact and communicate with others. Parents are constantly searching for low cost speech therapy tools and ideas. But where do you begin? The Internet is jam-packed with tools, gadgets, whistles and websites that can be confusing and misleading for parents. We have narrowed down a few low cost speech therapy ideas for you to try. Of course, we always recommend that you check in with your pediatrician or licensed speech therapist first before taking on any therapies on your own.
The 7 Most Important Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in School
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Other Resources School State ResourcesImage Courtesy of
If you have a child with a speech or communication disorder, one of the best things you can do is work with the school to become a partner for your child’s future. When you consider yourself as a teammate for your child’s teachers, you can help your child succeed in school – and in life. Continue reading
Help! My Child Doesn’t Qualify for Speech Therapy in School
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Language Development Reading School Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
What Can I Do To Help My Child?
It can be one of the most frustrating things that a parent can face – believing that his or her child needs help and not knowing how to provide it. If your child is struggling with speech or communication issues but the school has said he or she doesn’t qualify for speech therapy at school, there are still several options you can use to help your child. Other options within the school, private SLPs, at-home activities, and other professional services can all be of help to your child’s communication development. Continue reading
What You Need to Know If Your Child is Starting Speech Therapy – Answers to 5 Common Questions
Individualized Education Program (IEP) School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State ResourcesIf your child is starting speech therapy at school for the first time this year there are likely a lot of questions competing for time in your head. Even though it might feel like you are alone on this journey, the good news is that you’re not the first parent to feel this and there are people there to help you and your child. Start with these common questions that parents like you might be asking. Continue reading
I Think My Child Needs Speech Therapy – The 5 Most Important Steps You’ll Need To Take
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Language Development School Speech Therapist State ResourcesI think my child needs speech therapy – what do I do?
It’s the start of another school year and maybe you’ve got that nagging feeling in your gut: I think my child needs speech therapy. Just because no one else has approached you about this doesn’t mean that you are alone in your thoughts or that you should ignore this parental instinct. If you think your child needs speech therapy there are many steps you can take to work with your child’s pediatrician and school officials. Continue reading