In celebration of Father’s Day on June 15th, we share with you some ideas for easy gifts and crafts for the father in your family! Of course, Dad will still love a tie, mug or framed photo, but if you have a few extra minutes – why don’t you try some of these crafts? Your child can personalize each one in his own special way and create a gift that dad will never forget.
Easter Activities for Speech Therapy at Home!
Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Games and Activities Language DevelopmentEaster is an excellent time of year to work on speech therapy at home with your kids. The colors of the trees, smell of fresh blooming flowers, chirping of the birds are all excellent ways to engage your child’s senses. But how about using an Easter Egg as an inexpensive speech therapy tool? Yes, both a real egg and a colorful, plastic Easter egg! These eggs can provide an opportunity for you to work on socialization, articulation and language skills with your child in a variety of ways, and have fun together as a family.
St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Your Kids!
Arts and Crafts
It’s St. Patrick’s Day! Even if you are not of Irish descent, St. Paddy’s Day is a great excuse to wear your favorite green outfit and make it a fun holiday for your kids! Most likely, your kids will celebrate in their classrooms with green cookies or punch, but here are some non-sugary ways to celebrate our favorite leprechaun, with your favorite leprechaun! Enjoy!
Three Valentine’s Day Activities For Your Kids
Articulation Disorders Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy TechniquesIn the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we want to share with you three fun ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your students and kids! Of course, you can pull out some arts and crafts, stickers and colored paper to make homemade cards, but we’ve gone a bit further with some crafty and creative ways to get your involved with your kids, and provide an opportunity for language building and speech therapy techniques. We gathered these activities from some of our favorite Speech Therapy websites, so, grab your scissors, paper and tape and get ready for some Valentine’s Day fun!
Super Low Cost Speech Therapy Tips and Tricks!
Articulation Disorders Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques State Resources
Activities such as blowing bubbles are excellent low cost speech therapy activities that you can do at home!
Speech and language disorders affect children of all races and social-economic groups. If left untreated, speech disorders can affect a child’s ability to interact and communicate with others. Parents are constantly searching for low cost speech therapy tools and ideas. But where do you begin? The Internet is jam-packed with tools, gadgets, whistles and websites that can be confusing and misleading for parents. We have narrowed down a few low cost speech therapy ideas for you to try. Of course, we always recommend that you check in with your pediatrician or licensed speech therapist first before taking on any therapies on your own.
Four Easy and Inexpensive Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained During Christmas Break
Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Games and Activities Parents' Corner School
Here we go! For some families, two and three weeks off for Christmas and New Years begin now! And yes, the thought of sleeping in a bit, not packing lunches and staying in pajamas until noon sounds appealing, after about three days, the excitement wears off and cabin fever starts to set in! Do you wish you had time to leisurely browse Pinterest for creative ideas to keep your kids busy? What are busy moms and dads supposed to do to entertain their kiddos with shopping, wrapping, cleaning and cooking left to get done, without resorting to the television?