Whenever you deal with an insurance company, keep copies of all the paperwork. Make a copy of your submitted claim and all supporting documents. This will ease the process of filing an appeal in the event that your claim is denied. If the insurance company rejects the claim, the first thing to look for is the explanation of the denial. Typically, this will be included in the letter of denial.
How to Find a Speech Therapist
Speech TherapistYou have just learned that your child may have a speech disorder and you feel overwhelmed. There are lots of details to sort out: what type of treatment your child needs, whether your insurance will cover it, and how to find a speech therapist that can help him.
Help for Children with Lisps
Pronunciation & Lisps Speech DisordersIf your child is diagnosed with a lisp, it means that he has trouble pronouncing “s” and “z” sounds. There are four types of lisps:
- A palatal lisp means that when your child tries to make an “s” or a “z” sound, his tongue contacts the soft palate.
- A lateral lisp means that air travels out of either side of the tongue. Children with a lateral lisp produce “s” and “z” sounds that sound “slushy.”
- A dentalized lisp means that your child’s tongue makes contact with his teeth while producing the “s” and “z” sounds.
- An interdental lisp, sometimes called a frontal lisp, means that the tongue pushes forward through the teeth, creating a “th” sound instead of an “s” or “z” sound.
Language Development in Babies
Language DevelopmentAs you watch your newborn grow, you will undoubtedly make a note of every milestone of development. While every child develops at a different rate, your baby may lift his head up when he is a month old, roll over at six months, and begin teething at four to seven months. Likewise, language and speech development is a gradual process. Don’t worry if your baby is a little off the typical development schedule.
Does Your Child Need Speech Therapy?
Speech DisordersEvery child develops speech at his or her own pace. If you think your child might have a communication problem, you should consider seeking professional help sooner rather than later. While there is no “set age” at which these problems arise, early detection and intervention is the most beneficial for the child.