Understanding Speech Impediments in Children

Understanding Speech Impediments in Children

Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Pronunciation & Lisps Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques

How do you know if your child has a speech impediment? Speech impediments in children are more common than you might think. They are a type of communication disorder where “normal” speech is disrupted. The disruption can include a lisp, stuttering, stammering, mis-articulation of certain sounds and more. Another commonly used phrase for speech impediments in children is speech disorder. Often, the causes of a speech impediment are unknown. However, sometimes there are physical impairments such as cleft palate or neurological disorders such as traumatic brain injury that may be the cause of the speech impairment. We have listed below five of the most common types of speech impediments in children and a general description of each. Of course, if you suspect your child may have a speech impairment of any kind, we encourage you to visit your pediatrician or hire a Speech Therapist for more information.

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Three Valentine’s Day Activities For Your Kids

Articulation Disorders Arts and Crafts At Home Ideas Language Development Parents' Corner School Speech Disorders Speech Therapy Techniques
Valentine's Day Crafts

Valentine’s Day Activities           for Your Kids!

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we want to share with you three fun ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your students and kids! Of course, you can pull out some arts and crafts, stickers and colored paper to make homemade cards, but we’ve gone a bit further with some crafty and creative ways to get your involved with your kids, and provide an opportunity for language building and speech therapy techniques. We gathered these activities from some of our favorite Speech Therapy websites, so, grab your scissors, paper and tape and get ready for some Valentine’s Day fun!

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Speech Therapy Exercises For Children

At Home Ideas Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Therapy Exercises

Fun, At-Home Speech Therapy Exercises for Children

This week, in the spirit of the Olympics, we thought we’d offer some of our favorite speech therapy exercises and activities to do at home. That’s right, exercises! While there will not be a half-pipe, blob-sledding track or a gold medal at the end of your session, the reward will be an opportunity to spend quality time with your child and help him or her with increasing speech and language skills.

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What Are Communication Disorders?

Articulation Disorders Language Development News Parents' Corner Speech Disorders


Communication Disorders

What Are Communication Disorders?  Are They The Same As Speech Disorders?   Image Courtesy of developingcourses.com

Last week,  we helped you identify the symptoms associated with five common types of speech disorder. There are a handful of disorders that are not considered speech disorders, yet still effect a child’s ability to speak and communicate.  Today we discuss a few of these conditions. These are classified under “communication disorders” rather than speech disorders because often the causes are unknown and they effect more than just a child’s speaking ability.

A communication disorder is a speech and language disorder which refers to problems in communication and in related areas such as oral motor function. These delays and disorders can range from simple sound substitution to the inability to understand or use native language. In general, communications disorders refer to problems in speech (comprehension and/or expression) that significantly interfere with an individual’s achievement and/or quality of life.

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Five Common Speech Disorders in Children

Articulation Disorders Language Development Pronunciation & Lisps School Speech delay Speech Disorders Speech Therapist Speech Therapy Techniques
Speech Disorders

Five Common Speech Disorders in Children

You have determined that your child has more than just a speech delay, now what? How do you determine what kind of speech disorder your child has and more importantly, what do you do about it? We have listed below five common speech disorders in children. Of course, we always recommend a visit to your pediatrician if you feel your child has any of these symptoms, and an appointment with an SLP may be necessary to begin an effective speech therapy treatment plan.

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